Michael Kupietzky

Michael Kupietzky is a world renowned artist whose work can be seen in major Jewish museums and galleries in Europe, North America and Israel.

Michael was born in the United States in 1967 and immigrated to Israel with his family shortly before the 1973 Yom Kippur war. It soon became evident that he possessed manual dexterity and artistic talent.

In addition to yeshiva studies, Michael participated in a crafts-development program, in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem and at Bar Ilan University. He worked as an apprentice with stone masons Glaziers and silversmiths. Always keeping in mind the Bauhaus principle, "form follows function", Michael creates art that is up-to-date incorporating the latest technology and design innovations.

The vibrancy of his work and the striking simplicity of his designs place him on the cutting edge of contemporary design and the detailed craftsmanship on the traditional side of Jewish design. The shared quality in his work is the meaning behind the design. Through his background and thorough knowledge of classic Jewish texts and traditions, Michael is inspired to create works of art.

Michael also designs building interiors, Arks, custom made washing stations and memorials that embody the feeling and warmth of his personal Jewish experience. In his designs, Michael creates not only beautiful but functional and meaningful works of art.

Today Michael resides in the Judean Hills outside of Jerusalem, with his wife and children.